Hand Gestures Meaning In Urdu & Signs In English And Urdu

Hand gestures are an activity that is performed by people regularly. Learn common English Vocabulary words that are used to describe different hand gestures. To become better at speaking English, you need to learn some helpful vocabulary words. When we chat on Facebook or WhatsApp we use different hand gestures but mostly we don’t know the exact meaning of the hand gesture. Here I will provide you with a broad list of hand gestures meaning in Urdu that we use in our daily life chat.
In this lesson, you are going to learn Hand Gestures Meaning In Urdu. Learn these symbols to improve your knowledge.
List Of Hand Gestures Meaning In Urdu
As you know we are talking about Hand gestures meaning in Urdu. These hand gestures we do in our daily lives when we speak English or talk to someone. Here I will provide you a list of hand gestures meaning In Urdu. Let’s Start.
Raised Fist | یکجہتی کے لیے |
It is a means of expressing force or unity.
Crossed Fingers | خوش قسمتی کا اشارہ |
ٰIts used for hope and good luck.
Call Me | کال کرنا |
It’s used to call anyone.
Victory Hand | جیت/فتح کے لیے |
It is used for victory or success
Sign Of Love | پیار کے اظہار کے لیے |
It’s used to express affection or love to someone.
Waiving hand | ہائے/ہیلو کے لیے |
It’s often used to convey a warm greeting or a kind goodbye.
Pointing Upwords | اوپر کی طرف اشارہ |
In a conversation, it’s often used to highlight a point or call attention to something.
Fist Pointing Right | ملاقات کے وقت |
It’s commonly used to call attention to, direct, or highlight content on the right side.
Pointing to the Left | بائیں طرف |
It’s commonly used to indicate a direction or draw attention to anything to the left.
Pointing to the right | دائیں طرف |
It’s commonly used to draw attention to something on the right side or to indicate a direction.
Tenses Biceps | طاقت دکھانا |
It is frequently used to convey dominance to others.
pinching | تھوڑی مقدار |
It is commonly used to indicate something tiny or to represent a modest amount.
Open Hands | گلے ملنے کے لیے |
It’s commonly used to convey openness, adaptability, or a friendly disposition.
Thumbs Up | پسند کرنا |
It’s commonly employed to imply that something is sufficient, admirable, or correct.
Ok Hand | ٹھیک ہے |
It’s frequently used to say “okay” or “everything is fine.”
Middle Finger | گالی دینا |
It’s commonly used as a derogatory gesture to annoy someone or express disgust.
Stop | رکنا |
t’s often employed to prevent someone from working or engaging in any activity.
Rock On | شور مچانا |
It’s commonly used to express fervor, excitement, or approval—especially when discussing music, concerts, or parties.
Small Amount | مقدار قلیل |
It is frequently used to indicate something tiny or to represent a modest amount.
Express Question | سوالات کا اظہار |
It is frequently used to ask someone a question.
Protest And Support | احتجاج اور حمایت |
During protests, rallies, and activism, it’s commonly used to express solidarity and tenacity in the face of social justice, equality, or political change.
Praying Hands | دعا کرنا |
In many different religions and cultures, it’s frequently used to express spirituality, religious devotion, or the act of praying.
Not agreeing | متفق نہ ہونا |
This emoji can be used to express disagreement or an unfavorable reaction to a proposition, statement, or idea.
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