
Past Perfect Continuous Tense Definition Examples In Urdu

Learning tense is crucial in our lives if we want to speak English better. Here we will discuss the past perfect continuous Tense In Urdu and the previous lesson, we talked about the past ideal Tense before learning the past perfect continuous tense you have to learn the past perfect tense. Below I will provide links to different tenses that will help your English grammar learning.

In this lesson, you will learn Past Perfect Continuous Tense Definition Examples In Urdu which is helpful for your English grammar learning.  just stay with us and continue your Tenses learning journey.

What Is Past Perfect Continuous Tense In Urdu?

This tense is used for those sentences. In which the work has continued for a certain time or period in the past. And remember that these sentences also refer to time with the action continuing in the past. In this Tense, we use since and for to tell time.

یہ ٹینس اُن جملوں کے لیے استعمال ہوتا ہے۔ جن میں کام ماضی میں ایک خاص وقت یا دورانیہ کے لیے جاری رہا ہوتا ہے۔ اور یاد رہے ان جملوں میں کام کے ماضی میں جاری رہنے کے ساتھ وقت کا حوالہ بھی دیا جاتا ہے۔

Before Reading This I recommend you Learn The: Past Perfect Tense

اُردو میں پہچان

اس ٹینس میں جملوں کے آخر میں “رہا تھارہی تھی رہے تھے” جیسے الفاظ آتے ہیں اور ہر جملہ میں وقت کا حوالہ بھی دیا جاتا ہے۔

Key Points

  • In this Tense, we use ” ing ” with the first form of the verb.
  • In this Tense, we use ” Had Been ” as a helping verb.
  • We use ” Since ” or ” for ” to tell the time in this tense.

Positive Sentences

When we make affirmative sentences we use had been as a helping verb and use ing with the first form of the verb and since/for with the object and subject.


Subject + Had been + V ( 1st + ing ) + Since/For + Time


She Had been living in Karachi since 2010. وہ 2010 سے کراچی میں رہ رہاتھی۔
She Had Been studying at this college for three Years. وہ تین سالوں سے اس کالج میں پڑھ رہی تھی۔
He had been working in a hospital since 20th April 2019. وہ 20 اپریل 2019 سے ہسپتال میں کام کر رہے تھے۔
They had been helping poor people for four months. وہ چار مہینوں سے غریب لوگوں کی مدد کر رہے تھے۔
We Had been running their business since 1990. ہم 1990 سے ان کا کاروبار چلا رہے تھے۔
Kids had been watching TV for three hours. بچے تین گھنٹوں سے ٹی وی دیکھ رہے تھے۔
We Had been waiting for you since morning. ہم صبح سے تمہارا انتظار کر رہے تھے۔

Past Perfect Continuous Tense Definition Examples In Urdu

Before Reading This I recommend you Learn The: Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Negative Sentences

When we make Negative sentences there is only one change in the sentence we use not in the middle of the had been like this had not been.


Subject + Had Not been + V ( 1st + ing ) + Since/For + Time


She had not been using my computer since 2015. وہ 2015 سے اپنا کمپیوٹر استعمال نہیں کر رہی تھی۔
She had not been working for three years. وہ تین سالوں سے کام نہیں کر رہی تھی۔
He had not been going to school since Monday. وہ پیر سے سکول نہیں جا رہا تھا۔
She had not been teaching kids for five days. وہ پانچ دنوں سے بچوں کو نہیں پڑھا رہی تھی۔
You had not been replying to me for two hours. تم مجھے دو گھنٹوں سے جواب نہیں دے رہے ہو۔
They had not been eating meals for three days. وہ تین دنوں سے کھان نہیں کھا رہا تھے۔
He had not been playing cricket since 10 O’clock. وہ 10 بجے سے کرکٹ نہیں کھیل رہے تھا۔

Past Perfect Continuous Tense Definition Examples In Urdu

Before Reading This I recommend you Learn The: Present Perfect Tense

Interrogative Sentences

When we make interrogative sentences we use ” had ” before the Subject and we add ” been ” after the subject.


Had + Subject + been + V ( 1st + ing ) + Since/For + Time


Had she been living in Karachi since 2010? کیا وہ 2010 سے کراچی میں رہ رہاتھی؟
Had she Been studying at this college for three Years? کیا وہ تین سالوں سے اس کالج میں پڑھ رہی تھی؟
Had he been working in a hospital since 20th April 2019? کیا وہ 20 اپریل 2019 سے ہسپتال میں کام کر رہے تھے؟
Had they been helping poor people for four months? کیا وہ چار مہینوں سے غریب لوگوں کی مدد کر رہے تھے؟
Had we been running their business since 1990? کیا ہم 1990 سے ان کا کاروبار چلا رہے تھے؟
Had kids been watching TV for three hours? کیا بچے تین گھنٹوں سے ٹی وی دیکھ رہے تھے؟
Had we been waiting for you since morning? کیاہم صبح سے تمہارا انتظار کر رہے تھے؟

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