Parts Of Speech Definition Examples And 8 Types

It’s a basic way to learn English grammar because we can easily make correct sentences after learning parts of speech. We can correct sentence structure using this. We look into the details one by one in the next; lessons stay with us and keep scrolling down now here we will just look its definitions and types.
In this lesson, we will examine the most important English grammar: Parts Of Speech Definition Examples And 8 Types. Parts of speech are one of the best ways to start learning English grammar.
What Is Parts Of Speech?
Words are divided into different kinds according to their use or according to the work they do in sentences. Understanding the categories of Parts of speech helps in constructing clear and grammatically correct sentences. The parts of speech are Eight in Numbers.
الفاظ کوجملے میں ان کے استعمال اور کام کے مطابق مختلف اِقسام میں تقسیم کیا جاتا ہے۔ یہ اقسام Parts of Speech کہلاتی ہیں جو کہ تعداد میں آٹھ ہیں۔
1. Noun
2. Pronoun
3. Adjective
4. Verb
5. Adverb
6. Preposition
7. Conjunction
8. Interjection
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What Is Clause And Its Types With Examples
Types Of Parts Of Speech
We will look out for just a brief overview of these types and in the next lesson one by one I will explain all of them in detail. There are 8 types of Parts Of speech which are as follows:
A Noun is a word used as the name of a person place or thing. Here are some examples to enhance your understanding level.
کسی شخص جگہ یا چیز کے نام کے لیے استعمال ہونے والا لفظ Noun کہلاتا ہے۔ مثلاَ
- Examples
Akbar was a King. |
Multan is an Old City. |
Shameer is a nice boy. |
His honesty won his fame. |
A pronoun is a word that is used in place of a noun. Here are some examples:
کسی Noun کی جگہ استعمال ہونے والا الفاظ کو ہم Pronoun کہتے ہیں
- Examples
Asad is absent because he is ill. |
She is going to the store. |
He is good at studying. |
I play football. |
An adjective is a word used to add something to the meaning of a noun. Here are some examples:
Adjective ایک ایسا لفظ ہے جو کسی noun کے معنی میں مزید اِضافہ کرتا ہے۔ مثلاَ
- Examples
Ali is a nice boy. |
Maaz is a hardworking student. |
Shahid is a lazy boy. |
Taimor is a sensible boy. |
A verb is a word that is used to express an action or state. Here are some examples in the table below:
Verb ایک ایسا لفظ ہے جو کسی عمل یا کیفیت کے اظہار کے لیے استعمال ہوتا ہے۔ مثلاَ
- Examples
Ali Wrote a letter. |
Alyas loves his country. |
Waqar does his homework. |
Ehtasham Drives a car. |
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What Is Clause And Its Types With Examples
An adverb is a word that is used to add something to the meaning of a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.
Adverb ایک ایسا لفظ ہے جو کسی Adjective, verb یا اپنے ہی کسی Adverb کے معنی میں اِضافہ کرے۔
- Examples
Ahsan did his homework quickly. |
She is very intelligent. |
They arrived early in the morning. |
He spoke softly during the presentation. |
A Preposition is a word that is used to show the relation between a noun or a pronoun with another noun or pronoun.
Preposition ایک ایسا لفظ جو کسی noun یا Pronoun کا کسی دوسرے Noun یا Pronoun کے ساتھ تعلق بیان کرنے کے لیے استعمال کیا جاتا ہے۔مثلاَ
- Examples
There is a boy in the room. |
A girl is fond of music. |
Ali is with his friends. |
The cat is under a table. |
A conjunction is a word that is used to join words or sentences. Here are some examples:
Conjunction ایک ایسا لفظ ہے جو words اور senetnce کو جوڑنے کے لیے استعمال ہوتا ہے۔ مثلاَ
- Examples
Awais And Anjum are class fellow. |
I will call you when I Arrive home. |
You can have tea or coffee with your breakfast. |
He studied hard so He passed the Exam. |
An interjection is a word that is used to express some sudden feelings.
Interjunction ایک ایسا لفظ ہے جو ہمارے ساختہ جزبات کو بیان کر نے کے لیے استعمال کیا جاتا ہے۔ مثلاَ
- Examples
Hurrah! I have won a prize. |
Alas! She is dead. |
Yeh! We Won the Game. |
Oh no! I left my keys at home. |