13000 Daily Use English To Urdu Sentences Part 6

Learning these Urdu-to-English sentences with Hindi translation can be very effective for your everyday life. In the previous lesson, we talked about the daily use of English to Urdu sentences in part 5 which can be very supportive for an English learner. If you want to speak English from the basic you must have to read this series of sentences that I have provided you In the previous lessons.
In this lesson, you are going to learn basic and easy 13000 Daily Use English To Urdu Sentences Part 6 for your day-to-day English speaking practice.
English TO Urdu Sentences List 1:
In this part, you will learn basic English to Urdu sentences part 6. Learning these basic English-to-Urdu sentences is very crucial for an English-speaking learner. I will provide you with a list of English-to-Urdu sentences in this section.
- English
- Live within your means.
- Urdu
- اپنے آپ میں مطلب رکھو۔
- Hindi
- apny aap mn matlb rakho.
- English
- Mind your business.
- Urdu
- جاؤ اپنا کام کرو۔
- Hindi
- jao apna kam kro.
- English
- does not bother me.
- Urdu
- مجھے پریشان پت کرو۔
- Hindi
- mujhy preshan mt kro.
- English
- turns off the tap.
- Urdu
- نلکا بند کر دو۔
- Hindi
- nalka band kr do.
- English
- Talk In Sense.
- Urdu
- ہوش کی بات کیجئے۔
- Hindi
- hosh ki bt kijye.
- English
- it is a recent affair.
- Urdu
- یہ واقعہ حال ہی کا ہے۔
- Hindi
- ye waqye haal hi ka hy.
- English
- It’s a matter of three years.
- Urdu
- یہ تین سال کی بات ہے۔
- Hindi
- ye teen sal ki baat hy.
- English
- The scenery of the sea is very charming.
- Urdu
- سمندر کا منظر دلکش ہے۔
- Hindi
- samandar ka manzar dilkash hy.
- English
- beware of pickpockets.
- Urdu
- جیب کتروں سے ہوشیار رہیئے۔
- Hindi
- jeyb ktron sey hoshyar rhyn.
- English
- You have turned over a new life.
- Urdu
- تم نے اپنی زندگی بدل لی۔
- Hindi
- tum ny apni zindgi badl li.
- English
- Are the tickets available?
- Urdu
- کیا ٹکٹیں مل رہی ہیں۔
- Hindi
- kia tiktyn mil rhi hyn.
- English
- I shall take a row.
- Urdu
- میں کشتی کی سیر کروں گا۔
- Hindi
- mn kashti mn safar kron ga.
- English
- write me a letter on it.
- Urdu
- مجھے اس پر خط لکھنا ہے۔
- Hindi
- mujhy is pr khat likhna hy.
To Read The Previous Lesson Click On The Below Link
English To Urdu Sentences Part 5
Urdu Sentences List 2:
In this part, you will learn basic English to Urdu sentences part 6. Learning these basic English-to-Urdu sentences is very crucial for an English-speaking learner. I will provide you with a list of English-to-Urdu sentences in this section.
- English
- You are misleading me.
- Urdu
- تم مجھے گمراہ کر رہے ہو۔
- Hindi
- tum mujhy gumrah kr rhy ho.
- English
- I am feeling cold.
- Urdu
- مجھے سردی لگ رہی ہے۔
- Hindi
- mujhy sardi lag rhi hy.
- English
- what a beautiful bird it is.
- Urdu
- کتنا خوبصورت پرندہ ہے۔
- Hindi
- kitna khobsort parinda hy.
- English
- He is dead tired.
- Urdu
- وہ تھک کر چور ہو گیا۔
- Hindi
- wo thk kr chor ho giya.
- English
- Lahore is a flourishing city.
- Urdu
- لاہور ایک بارونق شہر ہے۔
- Hindi
- lahore aik baa roonaq sher hy.
- English
- Time is over.
- Urdu
- وقت ختم ہو گیا۔
- Hindi
- wqt khtm ho giya.
- English
- It’s a building worth seeing.
- Urdu
- یہ عمارت قابل دید ہے۔
- Hindi
- ye amart qabil deed hy.
- English
- He went to Karachi by plane.
- Urdu
- وہ ہوائی جہاز پر کراچی گیا۔
- Hindi
- wo hawayi jhaz pr Karachi gia.
- English
- He caught a cold.
- Urdu
- اسے زکام ہو گیا۔
- Hindi
- usy zukam ho giya.
- English
- Where have you been so long?
- Urdu
- آپ اتنے عرصے کہاں رہے۔
- Hindi
- Ap itny arsy khn rhy.
- English
- May I go out?
- Urdu
- کیا میں باہر جا سکتا ہوں۔
- Hindi
- kia mn jaa sakta hon.
- English
- May Allah bless you with a son!
- Urdu
- خدا تمہیں بیٹا عطاکرے۔
- Hindi
- Khuda tumhyn beta ata kry.
- English
- He deals in books.
- Urdu
- وہ کتابوں کا کروبار کرتا ہے۔
- Hindi
- wo kitabon ka karobar krta hy.
To Read The Previous Lesson Click On The Below Link
English To Urdu Sentences Part 5
English Sentences List 3:
In this part, you will learn basic English to Urdu sentences part 6. Learning these basic English-to-Urdu sentences is very crucial for an English-speaking learner. I will provide you with a list of English-to-Urdu sentences in this section.
- English
- It is no thoroughfare.
- Urdu
- یہ شارع عام نہیں۔
- Hindi
- ye share aam nhi.
- English
- don’t pluck flowers.
- Urdu
- پھول مت توڑیئے۔
- Hindi
- phol mat torye.
- English
- My watch is out of order.
- Urdu
- میری گھڑی خھراب ہے۔
- Hindi
- meri ghari khrab hy.
- English
- He has missed his train.
- Urdu
- وہ ریل گاڑٰ ی سے رہ گیا۔
- Hindi
- wo ril gari sey reh giya.
- English
- He is true to his words.
- Urdu
- وہ وعدے کا پکا ہے۔
- Hindi
- wo wady ka pakka hy.
- English
- Winter has set in.
- Urdu
- موسم سرما شروع ہو گیا ہے۔
- Hindi
- mosam sarma shoroo ho giya hy.
- English
- I will try my best.
- Urdu
- میں اپنی پوری کوشش کروں گا۔
- Hindi
- myn apni pori koshsih kron ga.
- English
- This road leads to Islamabad.
- Urdu
- یہ سڑک اسلام آبا د کو جاتی ہے۔
- Hindi
- ye sark islamabad ko jati hy.
- English
- Let us go for a walk.
- Urdu
- آؤ سیر کو چلیں۔
- Hindi
- ao seyr ko chlyn.
- English
- Books are a bone.
- Urdu
- کتابیں ایک نعمت ہے۔
- Hindi
- kitabyn aik neemat hy.
- English
- Thank god.
- Urdu
- خدا کا شکر ہے۔
- Hindi
- khud ka shukr hy.
- English
- I don’t know sir.
- Urdu
- مجھے معلوم نہیں جناب۔
- Hindi
- mjhy malom nhi janab.
- English
- What did you do yourself?
- Urdu
- تم نے اپنے طور پر کیا کیا۔
- Hindi
- tum ny apny tor pr kia kia?