Series Of A-To-Z English To Urdu Vocabulary Part 3 Start From C

If you want to speak English but don’t have words it’s a common problem here I am going to provide you with a list of Urdu to English vocabulary words that start from c. This vocabulary series could be very helpful for your daily life in English speaking.
In this lesson, you will learn very helpful English To Urdu Vocabulary Part 3 which starts from the alphabet C. Learning these English to Urdu vocabulary words can be very crucial for your day-to-day English speaking. So just stay with us and scroll down and read these effective words that start from C!
English To Urdu Vocabulary List 1
In this part, you will learn English to Urdu vocabulary part 3 which starts from C. I hope you are excited to read this lesson because it’s very effective for a daily-life English learner.
Campus | جا معہ گا ہ | Jamiya Gah |
Can | کر سکتا | Kar sakta |
Canal | نہر | Nehr |
Canard | من گھڑ ت کہا نی | Man ghrt khani |
Candidly | کھلم کھلا | Khulm khula |
Candidate | ا مید وار | Umeedwar |
Candle | شمع | Shama |
Cane | بید | Beed |
Canned | ڈ بے میں بند | Daby mn band |
Cannily | ہو شیا ر ی سے | Hoshiyari sey |
Cannot | نہیں کر سکتا | Nhi kr sakta |
Cannon | تو پ | Toop |
Canoe | کشتی | kashti |
Clog | گلے کا ہار | galy ka Haar |
Cloister | خانقاہ | Khanqah |
Closet | الماری | Almari |
Cloth | لِباس | libas |
Clothier | کپڑے بیچنے والا | Kapry beechny wala |
Cloudless | صاف | Saaf |
Cloudiness | دھندلا پن | Dhundla Pan |
Clove | لونگ | Loong |
Cloverleaf | ترفل کی پتی | Tirfal ki pati |
Clownish | بد اخلاق | bad ikhlaqi |
Clue | اشارہ | Ishara |
Clumsiness | بھدرا پن | Bhdra pan |
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English To Urdu Vocabulary Part 2 Start From B
English Vocabulary List 2
In this part, you will learn English to Urdu vocabulary part 3 which starts from C. I hope you are excited to read this lesson because it’s very effective for a daily-life English learner.
Canopy | چھپر | Chppar |
Cant | کو نہ | Konna |
Cantata | ہیر | Heer |
Canter | میٹھا | Meetha |
Cantilever | توڑا | Tora |
Canton | ضلع | Zila |
Capable | قا بل | Qabil |
Capacious | و سیع | Wasee |
Capacity | جگہ | Jagah |
Cape | لبا دہ | Libadah |
Capitalist | سر ما یہ دار | Sarmaya war |
Capon | خصی مر غ | Khasi murg |
Capsize | ا لٹ جا نا | Ult jana |
Cob | گولی | Goli |
Cobble | صاف | Saaf |
Cobweb | دھوکا | dhoka |
Cock | نر پرندہ | Nar Parinda |
Cockhorse | کاٹھ کا گھوڑا | kath Ka Ghora |
Coco | ناریل کا درخت | Nariyal ka darkht |
Cocoon | ریشم کے کیڑے | Resahm ky keery |
Cod | بڑی سمندریمچھلی | bri samndari machli |
Codicil | وصیت نامہ | wasiyat nama |
Coercion | دباؤ | dabao |
Coffee | قہوا | Qehwa |
Cogency | قوت | qowat |
Cogently | مضبوطی سے | mazboti sey |
Cogitate | غور کرنا | Ghor krna |
Cognate | ہم نسل | Hum nasal |
Cognizant | آگاہ | Aagah |
Cogwheel | داندانے دار | dandany dar |
Coheir | ہم ورثہ | hum warsa |
Coherence | لگاؤ | lgao |
Cohort | جماعت | Jamat |
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English To Urdu Vocabulary Part 1 Start From A
Urdu Vocabulary List 3
In this part, you will learn English to Urdu vocabulary part 3 which starts from C. I hope you are excited to read this lesson because it’s very effective for a daily-life English learner.
Capston | جہا ز ی چر خ | Jhazi Chrkh |
Caption | سر خی | Surkhi |
Capture | فتح | Fatih |
Capuchin | بیرا گی | Beeragi |
Carload | کا ر بھر | Car bahr |
Chemistry | علم کیمیا | Ilm kemya |
Cherubic | فر شتہ سا | Farishta saa |
Chocolate | لا کھی | Lakhi |
Choicely | قدر سے | Qadir sey |
Choler | غصہ | Ghussa |
Choose | منتخب کر نا | Muntakhib krna |
Choral | گیت کا | Geet ka |
Chorister | نغمہ سرا | Nagma sira |
Cope | آسمان چھت | Asman Chat |
Copious | لبریز | Labreyz |
Copiousness | افراط | Afrat |
Copperas | ہیرا | heera |
Copula | جوڑ | Jor |
Copulative | ملانے والا | Milany wala |
Copyist | نقل نویسی | Naqal nawesi |
Coquetry | نازو نخرہ | Nazo Nakhra |
Coral | مرجان | Marjan |
Cord | تار | Tar |
Cordial | سچا | sacha |
Corduroy | موٹا | Moota |
Coriaceous | مضبوط | Mazbot |
Cork | ڈاٹ | Dat |
Corker | سفید جھوٹ | Sufeyd Jhoot |
Corncrib | اناج کوٹھی | Anaj khooti |
Corneous | سخت | Sakht |
Cornet | بگل | Bagal |
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English To Urdu Vocabulary Part 2 Start From B
English To Urdu Vocabulary List 4
In this part, you will learn English to Urdu vocabulary part 3 which starts from C. I hope you are excited to read this lesson because it’s very effective for a daily-life English learner.
Chow | چین کا | Cheen ka |
Chrome | زرد رنگ | Zard rang |
Chronic | پرا نا | Purana |
Calcine | کشتہ بنا نا | Kxti bnana |
Caldron | دیگ | Deyg |
Calf | پنڈ لی | Pindly |
Caliper | پر کا ر | Parkar |
Caliphate | خلا فت | Khilafat |
Calix | کا سہ | Kasa |
Caller | ملا قا تی | Mulaqati |
Calling | پیشہ | Peesha |
Callow | خا م | Kham |
Calm | خا مو شی | Khamoshi |
Cure | صحت | Seht |
Curer | شفا دینے والا | Shifa deny wala |
Curio | نادر نمونہ | Nadir Namona |
Curling | پتھر کُنڈلی | Pathir kundali |
Curmudgeon | لالچی | lalchi |
Currently | عموماَ | Amoman |
Currish | رزیل | razeel |
Curse | بددعا دینا | baddua dena |
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