13000 Daily Use English To Urdu Sentences Part 7

In this blog, you will learn basic and daily Use English To Urdu Sentences part 7 to speaking English for beginners. Urdu to English sentences with Hindi translation best for your daily life practice. you came here definitely you are a great English learner. In the previous lesson, we discussed English to Urdu sentences in part 6. We make a series of sentences for your daily life in English speaking.
English To Urdu Sentences List 1:
In this part, we are going to provide you with English to Urdu sentences part 7. Learning these Urdu-to-English sentences with Hindi translation can be very effective for your daily life conversation. Without wasting your time let’s start!
Bring me a glass of water. | Mery liye pani ka aik gilas lao. | میرے لیے پانی کا ایک گلاس لاؤ۔ |
Would you like anything sir? | Jnb ap kcxh or pasand kryn gay. | جناب آپ کچھ اور پسند کریں گے؟ |
Lot of dust on the table. | Meyz pr kitna gird pra huwa hy. | میز پر کتنا گر د پڑا ہوا ہے۔ |
Why is he weeping? | Wo kiyon chilla rha. | وہ کیا چلا رہا ہے؟ |
Four people are coming. | Char afrad aa rhy hyn. | چار افراد آرہے ہیں؟ |
How should I know madam? | Mn kia jano begam Sahbh. | میں کیا جانو بیگم صاحبہ! |
Sir your tea is ready. | Jnb ap ki chaye tiyar hy. | جناب آپ کی چائے تیار ہے۔ |
What is the time? | Kia wqt ho rha hy. | کیا وقت ہوا ہے؟ |
Why haven’t you brought it in time? | Tm ye wqt pr kiyon nhi laye. | تم یہ وقت پر کیوں نہیں لائے۔ |
Please forward it to me at this address. | Mjhy is pta pr bhj dijye. | مجھے اس پتہ پر بھج دیجیے۔ |
How can I recover it? | Kesy wapsi mil sakta hy? | کیسے واپس مل سکتا ہے؟ |
Where is the lavatory? | Bytul khla khn hy? | بیت الخلا کہاں ہے۔ |
What is Next? | Aagy kia? | آگے کیا؟ |
To Read the Previous Lesson Click On The Below Link
English To Urdu Sentences Part 6
English To Urdu Sentences List 2:
In this part, we are going to provide you with English to Urdu sentences part 7. Learning these Urdu-to-English sentences with Hindi translation can be very effective for your daily life conversation.
I am in a hurry. | Mjhy jldi hy. | مجھے جلدی ہے۔ |
Write it down. | Likh dijye; | لکھ دیجئے۔ |
What do you mean? | Ap ka kia matlb hy. | آپ کا کیا مطلب ہے؟ |
I am in trouble. | Mn preshan hon. | میں پریشان ہوں۔ |
I cannot understand. | Mn nhi samj saka. | میں نہیں سمجھ سکا۔ |
Please repeat. | Mhr bani kr ky duhraye. | مہربانی کر کے دہرائیے۔ |
Speak more slowly. | Awr Ahsth bolo. | اور آہستہ بولیے۔ |
Do you speak Urdu? | Kia ap urdu bol sakty ho. | کیا آپ اردو بول سکتے ہیں۔ |
Do you understand? | Kia ap smjhty hyn. | کیا آپ سمجھتے ہیں؟ |
I missed my train. | Meri train chot gayi. | میری ریل چھوٹ گئی۔ |
I have lost my way. | Mn rasta bhol giya hon. | میں راستہ بھول گیا ہوں۔ |
I don’t remember. | Mjhy yad nhi. | مجھے یاد نہیں۔ |
What do you want? | Ap kia chty hyn. | آپ کیا چاہتے ہیں؟ |
To Read the Previous Lesson Click On The Below Link
English To Urdu Sentences Part 6
Urdu Sentences List 3:
In this part, we are going to provide you with English to Urdu sentences part 7. Learning these Urdu-to-English sentences with Hindi translation can be very effective for your daily life conversation.
What is the matter? | Kia mamla hy. | کیا معاملہ ہے۔ |
Where did you leave it? | Tum ny ye khn chora. | تم نے یہ کہا چھوڑا ؟ |
I have lost my purse. | Mera batwa kho giya. | میرا بٹوہ کھو گیا۔ |
Come with me. | Mery sath Ao | میرے ساتھ آؤ۔ |
Is this the one? | Kia wahi hy. | کیا یہ وہی ہے؟ |
Don’t bother me. | Mjhy preshan mat kro. | مجھے پریشان مت کرو۔ |
Where did he go? | Wo khn jaa rha. | وہ کہاں جا رہا ہے؟ |
Stop that man. | Is admi ko rook loo. | اس آدمی کو روک لو۔ |
Where is the police station? | Thana khn hy? | تھانہ کہاں ہے؟ |
I have been robbed. | Meri chori ho gayi. | میری چوری ہو گئ۔ |
Call the police. | Police ko bulao. | پولیس کو بلاؤ |
How’s the weather? | Mosam kesa hy. | موسم کیسا ہے؟ |
I will meet him in a few days. | Mn as sey kxch dino mn milon ga. | میں اس سے کچھ دنوں میں ملوں گا۔ |