Idioms with Urdu Meanings can be tricky because their direct translation often doesn’t make sense. Many English learners struggle to understand and use idioms, making speaking difficult. This can lead to confusion and lower confidence in conversations. But don’t worry!
Learning Idioms with Urdu Meanings will help you understand their real meanings and use them correctly. This guide explains idioms in simple words, making it easy for you to improve your English. Whether you are a student, a professional, or just learning English, these idioms will help you sound more natural. Start today and make your English better!
List Of Idioms with Urdu Meanings
In this table, you are going to get some unique idioms along with Urdu meanings and example sentences that will help you in your daily life practice and speaking.
Idiom | Urdu Meaning | English Sentence |
Face the music | نتائج بھگتنا | He had to face the music after failing the exam. |
Fair and square | ایمانداری سے | She won the competition fair and square. |
Feather in your cap | کامیابی کا نشان | Winning the award was a feather in his cap. |
Feel under the weather | بیمار محسوس کرنا | I’m feeling under the weather today. |
Fish out of water | بے چین اور غیر آرام دہ | He felt like a fish out of water at the new school. |
Fit as a fiddle | بالکل تندرست | After his recovery, he’s fit as a fiddle. |
Flash in the pan | عارضی کامیابی | His success was just a flash in the pan. |
Fly off the handle | غصے میں آنا | He flew off the handle when he heard the news. |
Food for thought | سوچنے کی بات | Her speech gave us all food for thought. |
From scratch | شروع سے | She built her business from scratch. |
Get a taste of your own medicine | اپنی ہی دوا کا مزہ چکھنا | He lied to others and finally got a taste of his own medicine. |
Get cold feet | ڈر جانا | She got cold feet before the presentation. |
Get the ball rolling | کام شروع کرنا | Let’s get the ball rolling on this project. |
Give the benefit of the doubt | شک کا فائدہ دینا | I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt this time. |
Go back to the drawing board | دوبارہ شروع کرنا | The plan failed, so we’ll go back to the drawing board. |
Go the extra mile | اضافی محنت کرنا | She always goes the extra mile to help her friends. |
Good Samaritan | مددگار شخص | He acted like a Good Samaritan and helped the old man. |
Graveyard shift | رات کی شفٹ | She works the graveyard shift at the hospital. |
Green with envy | حسد سے بھرا ہوا | He was green with envy when he saw his friend’s new car. |
Hit the nail on the head | درست بات کرنا | You hit the nail on the head with your explanation. |
Hit the sack | سونے جانا | I’m tired; I’m going to hit the sack. |
Hold your horses | صبر کرنا | Hold your horses! We’re not ready yet. |
Hot potato | مشکل مسئلہ | The new policy is a hot potato for the government. |
Hour of need | مشکل کا وقت | He helped me in my hour of need. |
In a nutshell | مختصر میں | In a nutshell, the project was a success. |
In hot water | مشکل میں ہونا | He’s in hot water for missing the deadline. |
In the same boat | ایک ہی مشکل میں ہونا | We’re all in the same boat, so let’s help each other. |
It takes two to tango | دونوں کا قصور ہوتا ہے | She blamed him, but it takes two to tango. |
Ivory tower | دنیا سے الگ رہنا | He lives in an ivory tower and doesn’t understand real problems. |
Jump on the bandwagon | کسی کے ساتھ ہو لینا | Many people are jumping on the bandwagon to support the new trend. |
Jump the gun | جلدی کرنا | Don’t jump the gun; wait for the right time. |
Just what the doctor ordered | بالکل صحیح چیز | This vacation is just what the doctor ordered. |
Keep an eye on | نظر رکھنا | Can you keep an eye on my bag while I’m away? |
Keep your chin up | حوصلہ رکھنا | Keep your chin up; things will get better. |
Kill two birds with one stone | ایک پتھر سے دو شکار کرنا | By studying while traveling, she killed two birds with one stone. |
Knock it off | بند کرو | Knock it off! You’re being too loud. |
Know the ropes | کام کا تجربہ ہونا | He knows the ropes of running a business. |
Last straw | آخری حد | His rude comment was the last straw for her. |
Let the cat out of the bag | راز فاش کرنا | He let the cat out of the bag about the surprise party. |
Level playing field | برابر مواقع | The new rules ensure a level playing field for all. |
Like a cakewalk | بہت آسان کام | The exam was like a cakewalk for her. |
Like a piece of cake | بہت آسان | Fixing the issue was like a piece of cake for him. |
Like two peas in a pod | بالکل ایک جیسے | The twins are like two peas in a pod. |
Look before you leap | سوچ سمجھ کر قدم اٹھانا | Always look before you leap into a decision. |
Lose your touch | مہارت کھو دینا | He used to be a great cook but lost his touch. |
Make a long story short | مختصر میں بتانا | To make a long story short, we won the match. |
Method to the madness | ہر کام کا ایک طریقہ ہوتا ہے | There’s a method to the madness in his plans. |
Miss the boat | موقع کھو دینا | If you don’t apply now, you’ll miss the boat. |
Not a spark of decency | ذرا سی بھی شائستگی نہیں | He showed no spark of decency in his behavior. |
Not playing with a full deck | پاگل ہونا | He’s not playing with a full deck if he thinks that plan will work. |
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